Monday, March 7, 2011

Spread the Word and Feel the Love Contest

I'm asking you to spread the word about my facebook page, and I'm planning on making it worth your while!

Here's your chance to win a $30 gift certificate that you can put towards anything in my shop!

All you have to do is:

1. Like my page if you don't already (

2. Get as many people as you can to like it as well.

3. Make sure those people post on the page's wall that they were referred by you (they have to write your name down in order for it to 'count')

That's it! Everyone who likes the page will receive 10% off when they use the Shop Now button on my page. And the person who refers the most people will win the $30 gift certificate!

You've got until Saturday, March 12th at 10:00 AM EST for your referrals to count - so get cracking!

p.s. Were you referred by someone? You can still play, just refer people of your own!

So spread the word, and feel the love of savings!


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