Thursday, August 4, 2011

Things I love Thursday

Today doesn't have much to do with Baby Chunky Cheeks.

I take part in a local mommy forum and this is one of the threads that usually gets revived every Thursday.

I know that I do not take enough time for myself, between solo parenting my almost 15 month old most days,  starting up my own photography business, and Baby Chunky Cheeks, I barely have the time to do something just for me. It's easy to complain, whine, and get stressed out about stuff that in the grand scheme of things, are insignificant.

Today I take the day to post about things I love and am thankful for.

- My daughter is learning new words every day and says them with such emphasis "tur-TLE" "HawwwwT!" "Uh-oh" (she hasn't grasped that this is a word reserved for accidents and not on-purposes)
-An overcast day
-Eskimo kisses
-Garden peas (in my grandmothers goulash YUM)
-Kind words
-Doing all the animal sounds with my daughter in "Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See?"
-Iced Coffee
-Brand new Babies

Feel free to share the things you love this Thursday!



  1. Mine:
    *Getting hugs and kisses from my 2.5 year old
    *A supportive and helpful husband
    *a sunny day
    *unexpected road trips
    *a warm coffee
    *beads sorted by colours
    *packages in the mail
    *the smell of freshly baked cookies
    *cookies and cream chocolate

  2. Right now? The biggest one? That tomorrow's Friday. ;) Yay!

    Great lists, ladies!

  3. Now I want cookies and cream ice cream. I also love when supplies are sorted by color :)

    Yay for Fridays, the day I finally get a teensy bit of help around here!

  4. My son is over two and has a pretty wide vocabulary, but for some reason saying "hi" and "bye" were never consistent until this week. So today I am thankful that as he drove off with my hubby to grandma's house for the day he waved and said "bye" to me out the car window. He had a huge smile on his face, happy to go see what may be happening on the farm today. I had a big smile because I could take the time to get ready for our week long trip to the cottage without a two year old underfoot.

  5. My 14 month old finally stood by herself today. Only for a split second but it gave me hope that I won't have to carry her around forever after all! I've been in a great mood ever since!
