Friday, April 13, 2012

Toilet Training Wars...and 20% off

Hmmm...anyone ever wonder why Toilet Training has to coincide with the "Terrible Two's"?  How unfair is that really?  We're working on it here so I thought we could share and commiserate!! 

Training my son, the supposed hard one, was actually really easy.  We waited until he was almost three, talked about it for a few weeks before, then went for it.  He had a couple of accidents but was completely trained in really one day.  My daughter at two and a half, not so much.  It has been a battle of underpants, pull-ups and diapers.  She is trained but just decides she wants a diaper some days and we start all over again.  Advice?   Am I being a push over? I've heard both sides.  Some people say:  "Wait it out, when she's ready, it'll be easy".  Ummm...when she's 17??  Other people say: "Be tough, don't allow her to decide...just put on underpants".  Call me selfish but I really don't want pee all over my floors!

Oh well, no one goes to high school in a diaper, I guess!

Here are some great products we use at our house if you're just starting toilet training and don't have such a little rebel as my Maddie or Mad-Dog, affectionately.

Baby Bjorn the colour choices and it's super easy to dump and clean.

Lots of Kids Reading Material or on rough days the iPad....keep them happy, keep them peeing!

My Great Waterproof Sheets for overnight accidents...change that bed in ten seconds flat and for the next week use the code TOILET20 for 20% off!!

Sarah from The Counting Sheep Company

1 comment:

  1. I started training my daughter at about 2.5 yrs old also. I don't think she ever had an accident with bowel movements, but she's wet the floor quite often, mostly out of not wanting to stop playing to go to the bathroom. My advice: Use pull-ups if you can afford to do so for a while, but make sure you have her go to the bathroom regularly, even if she doesn't use it all the time. We're still working on night-time training and she is now close to 4yrs old... some nights are fine, some are wet
