Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Doing Craft Shows/Fairs

So, you have decided to take the plunge and offer your magical items for sale at a show. GREAT! Here are a few tips and tricks from me.


1) Find a show. I literally just Google “craft fairs/shows/vendor opportunities+(my area)” Depending on where you live, there might be a few to choose from. I know where I live, there is one every weekend…sometimes even 2, especially during the summer months. 2) Do some research I do a lot of themed shows…ie: Military events, Dragon boat race, artistic venues, Mommy events etc When doing specific events, I design a line that is specific to that event. They always sell and it gives the customers something to buy that is not available in my online shop…sort of like a ticket to an exclusive design. Also, by doing research, you might find it better to narrow down to a few lines that you can take with you, instead of lugging your entire inventory with you. While doing research, make sure to check out the event’s blog, facebook page and google the previous year’s event. This will give you an idea of how popular the show was and will help you decide if the show is worth doing for your own line.

Items to take: A) LOTS of business cards. Even if someone doesn’t buy from you, encourage them to take a business card. They might stop by your shop at a later date.

B) Display items…have different heights in your presentation and make it colourful and fun. It draws attention to your booth. A lot of times, we hang balloons, streamers or a bunting across our booth. Customers have said that they saw our booth from across the venue and just needed to walk over to see what we were selling.

C) Packaging items…shopping bags, wrapping paper This would depend on the items that you sell. We sell jewelry and a lot of times, customers have said “no, that’s ok, I will stuff it in my purse” but its always handy to have a bag available. If you are giving out items in bags, make sure to have a business card in your bag, prestuffed. This way, you won’t forget to give out a card when a customer makes a purchase and this opens the door for a return customer. D) I know a lot of vendors make pricelists and have it on display. I have done it for one show and didn’t think it helped. A lot of customers ended up asking me for the price instead of reading the price list. What has helped me is having the actual price on the item itself. This way, they don’t have to ask you (in case you are busy with another customer). E) Display items…banners, tape, scissor


1) BE FRIENDLY and APPROACHABLE. Do not sit behind your table, working on something. Do not leave your table to walk across the event, leaving your booth unmanned. Do not seem too busy for your customer by chatting with your neighbour. You want a customer to approach you, to talk to you and be interested in making a purchase. Don’t send them off before they even look at your products. ALWAYS say “HI” to a person coming to your booth (EVEN if you are with another customer). Customer or no customer, you should always acknowledge them. You don’t have to start a full on conversation. A simple “HI there, welcome!’ or “HI!!!” will do. (I know, it seems like an obvious statement, but you have no idea how many times I have not been acknowledged when walking around a show). 2) On the flipside, DON’T be OVERLY enthusiastic. Some people are there to browse, which is totally fine. Don’t push items on them, as they will walk away. Offer them a business card and let them know that they can always take a look at your online shop, if they would like. If they purchase something, suggest a piece that would compliment their purchase but don’t push it on them. 3) DO make friends with your neighbours. At every event, I have made some awesome new contacts with fellow vendors who have given me a piece of knowledge that I didn’t know before. 4) Wear something MAGICAL! Now, hear me out. At every show, I wear something “pretty” and “girly” and ALWAYS wear my own jewelry. Sometimes, the most eye catching pieces I use my own body as a marketing board. If someone sees a piece on me and likes it, they won’t hesitate to buy it. You are your own model. If you don’t sell jewelry, wear something pretty. Don’t show up in your pj pants or track pants. I know my mom always says not to judge a book by its cover but there is also a saying that centers around First Impressions is key. Your customer sees your personality, your interests, and what YOU are all about in the 5 minutes they are at your booth. Make it a lasting impression.

AFTER THE SHOW 1) Get Google analytics before you go to the show so that after the show, maybe a week later, log in and see how many people visited you from the area where your show was. This is purely a curiosity thing, so feel free to skip this step.

And if you want to see more photos from Craft shows we have done, feel free to drop by our facebook page:

Sunny Skies!


  1. We're doing a show this weekend. Great tips!!

  2. I've been thinking of doing one for some time. Just not sure if I want all that stock in my house. Great info though and I will come back to it should I decide to do a show.

  3. kiddo designs: its a great excuse to build your inventory, and whatever you dont sell, you could always list in your etsy shop and make the shop full.

    but yeah, you would have to invest in display items, which can get pricey...especially, if you are planning on only doing should do a few!

  4. Thanks for the tips! Although I've done a few, the one I have coming in September is going to be the first one I'm taking seriously. Can't wait & your tips are going to be really handy!

  5. does anyone have a listing or know when the listings for the craft and vendor shows starting 2012?

  6. Wow! Wow! And Wow! It’s truly an honor. Thank you so much! I’m new to this and working hard to get out there. The Dream
